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Microprocessors (22415) I Scheme MSBTE Microproject

Microprocessors (22415) I Scheme MSBTE Microproject
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Microprocessors (22415) I Scheme MSBTE Microproject

program Name and Code: Microprocessors (22415) 

Course Name and Code: CS 4 I

Academic Year 

Semester: Forth


A MICRO PROJECT ON "Mini-Calculator"

1.0   Aims/Benefits of the Micro Project

This project involves a comprehensive understanding of assembly programming language, which includes registers, data shifting, procedures, codes, etc. The project called 'Mini-Calculator' was developed using assembly language to perform calculations on the console screen.

2.0   Course outcome addressed.

1. Analyze the functional block of 8086 microprocessor.
2. Write an assembly language program for the given problem.
3. Use instructions for different addressing modes.
4. Develop an assembly program using assembler.
5. Develop assembly language programs using procedures, macros, etc
Modular programming approach.

3.0 Proposed methodology

We have created an assembly language program that displays the system's Calculation. Calculation is displayed in format of Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication

4.0 Action Plan

Sr. No.Detail of activityPlan start datePlan finish dateName of responsible team members
1Searching the topic for micro-project
2Search information from the Microprocessors (22415) book and from the internet. 
3Discuss with the project guide.
4arrange all information in MS Word
5Prepare a report on it using MS Word
6print micro project

5.0 Resources used

Sr. no.Name of resource materialSpecificationsQuantity
1Computer System16 GB RAM, Windows 11 OS 1
2InternetYoutube / Wikipedia
3textbook/manualMicroprocessors (22415)1

Micro-Project Report

A MICRO PROJECT ON "Mini-Calculator"

 1.0 Brief Introduction/Rationale

This project involves a comprehensive understanding of assembly programming language, which includes knowledge of registers, data shifting, procedures, codes, etc. The project 'Mini-Calculator' was developed using assembly language, and it retrieves the system's calculation and displays it on the console screen.


1. Book Name: Microprocessor and interfacing (programming and hardware) Author: Hall and Douglas V. Publication Year: 1986 Context: Microprocessors and Interfacing consists of programming, system connections, and interfacing of microprocessors and their peripheral devices in detail. These chapters cover assembly language programming of 8086-based systems. Latter portions of the text discuss all aspects of interfacing, including bus architecture, microcomputer interfaces with input/output devices and systems, A/D and D/A conversion, and operating systems. Salient Features: 
 Discusses various microprocessors and interfacing techniques 
 Consists of in-depth knowledge about microprocessor programming 
2. Book Name: The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors Author: Triebel, Walter A., Singh and Avtar Publication Year: 1991 Context: Future designers of microprocessor-based electronic equipment need a systems-level understanding of the 80x86 microcomputer. It offers thorough, balanced, and practical coverage of both software and hardware topics. Basic concepts are developed using the 8088 and 8086 microprocessors, but the 32-bit versions of the 80x86 family are also discussed. Salient Features: 
 Embedded with the basics of core 8088 and 8086 
 In-depth diagrams in addition to circuits

Actual Methodology Followed:


B - Display the result in binary. 
H - Display the result in hexadecimal. 
D - Display the result in decimal. JMP START - Jump to a label named START. ADD BX,AX - Add the value of BX with AX. CALL NL - Call a procedure named NL. SHL BL - Shift the value of BL to the left. SUB BX,AX - Subtract the value of BX by AX. DIV BX - Divide the value of AX by BX. INT 21h - Used to receive input. MUL BX - Multiply the value of AX with BX. CMP AL, 0DH - Compare the value of AL with the Enter key.

Flow Chart

Program Code


2.0  Actual Resources Use

Sr. no.Name of resource materialSpecificationsQuantity
1Computer System12 GB RAM, Windows 11 OS1
2InternetYoutube / Wikipedia
3textbook/manualMicroprocessors (22415)         1

3.0 Skill Developed

1. Logical and Reasoning 
2. Thinking skills 
3. Designing skills 
4. Imagination skills

4.0 Application of the Micro-Project

1. A sample project based on system related operation 
2. Sequel date and time programs using different formats 
3. To save the date and time for each transactions or operations
4. Can be used in Bank Management System, Hotel Management System, etc 
5. It can also be used for schedule or task related operations or clock, etc

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